5 things to try in november: nail polish, spooky books, and more

October passed by with changing leaves and busy work schedules. Weekends were filled with friend time and soaking up the last of the sunshine before the winter rains arrive. Now, the sun is setting before 5 PM and I’m trying hard to bring some hygge joy to my routine. I fell in love with a few new items, so I’m back to share things you should try in November.

5 things to try in November

Cult Documentaries

Horror movies are not my jam. During the spooky season, I still like to enjoy some content that fits the season. This year, I got into a few documentaries about different groups of people that could be viewed as cults depending on your definition. If you need a little dose of crazy to prep you for holiday family gatherings, add these two documentaries to your list of things to try in November.

The Way Down is on HBO Max and it’s about a church leader named Gwen Shamblin Lara. She founded a weight loss program that used Church teachings and then opened a Church in Tennessee in the early 2000s. It’s just a three-part series and you’ll fly through it. They talk to previous members and families who have lost family members to the “church” community.

LuLaRich was the other one I got sucked into. It’s available on Amazon Prime. The craziest part of this documentary is that you get to hear from both sides. The owners of the company are interviewed throughout. It’s a wild and crazy MLM/pyramid scheme situation that was a billion-dollar business at one point selling leggings.  

A Good Water Bottle

I finally found a water bottle that I love. The best news is that it isn’t one of the $40 bottles.It was found at an outdoor store for $12. I wanted something that was lightweight, didn’t make the water taste like metal, and didn’t have a straw or a giant opening. Yes that sounds ridiculous, but all I want is to drink more water during the day and the vessel is important. 

So I found a BPA-free plastic bottle that is insulated and has a small opening with a screw-on top. The opening is a similar size to a single-use water bottle, but this one can be used over and over again. It’s been about a month and I take it everywhere. This seems like the biggest win for me. 

If you are looking for a gift for someone or you want a good water bottle that doesn’t cost a fortune, here’s my new favorite. It comes in multiple sizes, I prefer the smaller one because it fits in my cup holder.

Books I Can Read in a Day

I have been on the struggle bus with reading lately. I can usually put books away and it’s my favorite weekend morning hobby, but lately, it’s been hard for me to sneak in reading any other time throughout the week. There have been two books lately that I picked up and did not put down until I was finished. Both books could be called a mystery but on opposite sides of the genre. 

Arsenic and Adobo by Mia P. Manansala 

This book was very similar to the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich. It was a murder mystery but filled with funny moments and crazy, wild family drama. I am so excited that this author is releasing a second book next spring. It reads so quickly and would be perfect for a poolside or plane read. It’s also perfect when you are sitting on your couch on a Saturday morning. I drank three coffees and enjoyed a pancake break. It was wonderful.

Nice Girls by Catherine Dang

This book was a little more spooky and creepy. It’s more graphic and not as good if you are reading it before bed. That said, it was another Saturday morning into Saturday afternoon and I was done well before the sun went down. The author is from Minnesota and that’s where the story is set, so it was easy to picture the scene she was setting. It fits well with these fall days that are getting darker earlier and is great if you want something a little spooky.

Fuzzy Blankets and Matching Pajamas

I caved early and bought this matching set of pajamas and it is cozy AF. I’m not a big holiday decorator because I live in a tiny apartment and move often. But pajamas don’t need a season. They bring me joy year-round. 

These fuzzy blankets from Target have found their way all over our apartment. We had one that we saved before traveling and two newer ones that we bought when we moved in. There are different colors and different sizes, so if you love soft, fuzzy blankets – pick your favorite.

Olive and June Fall Colors

I laughed at my BFF for getting sucked into the Instagram advertising for Olive and June. But then I found myself searching for darker nail polish colors and these happen to be one of the most highly-rated products that are free of bad chemicals. After three at-home manicures, I’m completely sold and cannot recommend this brand enough. This polish stays on longer, looks fantastic and has exactly the colors I was looking for. 

Get your own set for 20% off using this promotion. I’ve already got a few more colors in my cart. And I might even get crazy and order some holiday-themed stickers. Who am I becoming?

Tell me what you’re doing to adjust to the early darkness.

If you need more ideas, you can catch the last version of this post from September.

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