5 Things to try in January: Movies, Meditation, and more

New year, same me. New Year’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. I usually manage to keep myself awake until a few minutes after midnight. The evening is usually spent with just a couple of friends. It usually involves good snacks and some drinks. We spend New Year’s Day eating good comfort food, playing […]

My favorite books of 2021

I absolutely love yearend favorites lists of all kinds. I want to know what you’ve been watching, buying, and reading and what has made it to the top of your list. I usually stock up on new TV shows, movies, podcasts, and random purchases this time of year, but my favorite is book round ups. […]

5 things to try in november: nail polish, spooky books, and more

October passed by with changing leaves and busy work schedules. Weekends were filled with friend time and soaking up the last of the sunshine before the winter rains arrive. Now, the sun is setting before 5 PM and I’m trying hard to bring some hygge joy to my routine. I fell in love with a […]

what to watch this fall

With the Delta variant still running rampant all over the United States, we are back to figuring out how to entertain ourselves at home – so let’s talk about what to watch this fall. It helps that the sun is setting earlier each night and the weather is turning quite a bit. After a summer […]

5 things to try in September – a pool read, a money hack and more

Each year, September is a month that I look forward to. It feels like new beginnings even though it’s been years since I wore a first day of school outfit. There’s something about the shift to cooler mornings and earlier sunsets that have you holding on to the last moments of summer while also dreaming […]

The Bookshelf: Vol. 13

books in black wooden book shelf

After a few months of staring at books randomly but not consuming any words that I am seeing, I’m back into my normal swing and actually reading again. I definitely have some of these summer reads to thank because I needed something I could knock back in a day. Usually a list of summer reads […]

4 Books You Might Not Have on Your List Yet

There have been tons of reading lists circulating the internet in these last two weeks. With so many people wanting to learn more and understand more about being anti-racist, books like White Fragility are sold out everywhere. I’m here for it. Lists like these are one of my favorite internet go-to’s. I have 982 books […]

Top Beautycounter Products

I went through the orders for the last six months to find out what the top Beautycounter products were with my group of friends and family. I know that many of the company’s top sellers are things that I haven’t found a love for because everyone is so different with their skincare and makeup choices. […]

The Bookshelf: Vol. 12

Another few months of travel means more time for reading. I knocked a lot of books off my hold list at the library this year. I’m linking up with my favorite book nerds, Steph & Jana, to share with you everything I’ve read lately. Books I Loved Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate This […]

Why I’m a Beautycounter Consultant

I listened to The Dream podcast a few months ago. It’s all about MLM’s and the negative impact they have on people’s lives. I couldn’t get enough of it. I’ve always been so curious about these free vacations people are earning and their claims that you can “make your own schedule” and bring home the […]