The Bookshelf: Vol. 11

book book pages bookcase browse

Another month has cruised by and being near the beach in Bali, I’ve had some time to knock back a few more books. There were some that I’ve been waiting to read for a while and they finally became available at the library. Plus, a few that really surprised me and came out of nowhere. […]

The Bookshelf: Vol. 10

close up photo of flowers during daytime

It has been two months since I’ve shared the books I’ve read. The time I have for reading now is so much more, so I’ve been working on my to-read list and checking off some things that have been on there for a while. I have also hit the maximum number of books I can […]

The Bookshelf: Vol. 9

adult blur books close up

While I haven’t been spending much time here in my corner of the internet because life is nuts, I have been keeping a better record of my books as I finish them. The “Show Us Your Books” link up is the greatest. Just click here and you will find an entire list of links just […]

Clean Up Your Routine

Sharing my Beautycounter skin care routine and an opportunity for you to get your hands on a great deal.

2018 Favorites: Books, Pods & More

photo of snow covered trees

2018 was a year. I struggle to find adjectives to describe it. There were some not great things about this year, but I’m wanting to share the good stuff. Today, I’m going to share some favorites that you could go and check out. Favorite Books I accomplished my reading goal this year of 40 books. […]

The Bookshelf: Vol. 8

assorted books on shelf

With a November at home, I did a little more reading. It helps when the weather cools down and I don’t want to leave my warm blankets in the morning or after work. I didn’t have any books this time around that I didn’t like, so here’s a round up of what I’ve read. Books […]

a responsible gift guide

cozy room with christmas tree and decorations

Happy gift guide season. They aren’t my favorite posts because I like to hear what people actually used. But, yet here I am putting together my own responsible gift guide. I promise, I can vouch for these few things. I have been really working hard at changing my views on gifting in the last few […]

Beautycounter Holiday 2018 Favorites

It’s that time of year when leaves are falling, nights are cooler and Christmas decorations are starting to pop up and make you roll your eyes. It’s too damn early. I’m totally with you. I’m enjoying every second of this fall. After saying all that, I’m still going to be that person that shares holiday […]

The Bookshelf: Vol. 7

assorted books on shelf

I have been on a roll knocking books off my list. I had a little issue with requesting a lot of books from the library and then they all came at the same time. After $6.20 in late fees, I’m happy to report that I cleaned up a big chunk of that in the last […]

The Bookshelf Vol. 6

I love reading book recaps and then reading what others share and adding one million books to my Goodreads account. Usually, I have about 5 books every other month to review. It’s been three months since my last recap and I have done a lot of reading this summer. Instead of diving into each and […]