Beautycounter Faves

It has been a while since I’ve done a round up of my favorite Beautycounter products. They have released tons of new stuff and I’ve been slowly working my way through the products to try them out. For anyone that has not heard of Beautycounter, I’ll give you a quick elevator pitch. It is a […]

I Cried at a Harry Styles Concert

I could also title this post “I’m Emotionally Unstable.” It was a rough weekend. Rough doesn’t even really describe it. Friday night, we had to bring our terrier, Lola into the emergency vet because of pale gums, and within a few hours, they found the same aggressive stomach cancer that Quincy, our Schnauzer, had and […]

The Bookshelf Vol. 5

I’m so excited because I am right on track with my reading goals this year. The weird thing is with more reading comes less writing for me. But I’m here to recap the books I’ve read the last few months and help you figure out what to read next. Books I’ve read lately: Wildflower by Drew […]

The Bookshelf: Vol. 4

We are about 10 weeks into the year and I am on track with my reading goal so far this year. I’m so happy about that. I haven’t done a book round up yet this year, so I have a few to share. Make sure to check out the other posts on this awesome link […]

Continued Work

My word of the year was balance, but with that comes healthy stuff to balance out the fun stuff. I’ve made a few discoveries already this year (some I’ve known about but finally dove in) and I wanted to share them. Citrus. It’s the time of year for all the citrus. With everyone hacking and […]

The Bookshelf: Vol 3

I’ve been trying to catch up on my reading goal for the year. At this point, I have to finish another 9 books by the end of the year. I’m going to try my best. Hopefully, I’ll finish another book before this even posts (since I’m writing it before I leave town.) Here is a […]

Winter essentials because the season is coming

The air has been quite a bit cooler the last few days after a 90 degree weekend and it was a good reminder that winter is coming. I’m not talking Game of Thrones in this post. Today, I’m talking about the dryness in my skin & frizziness in my hair that makes me so uncomfortable in […]

The Bookshelf: Vol. 2

Another quick round up of books I’ve read. There’s only four today, but two of them were stand outs for me and I’ve been sharing them with everyone I know. Books I’ve read recently Today Will Be Different by Maria Semple – (Goodreads/Amazon) Let me just say that I loved Where’d You Go, Bernadette. I […]

The Bookshelf: Vol. 1

Winter is usually my best reading time because I love sitting on the couch curled up in comfortable pajamas and a book. My obsessive library hold list is also to blame. I got a little click happy at the beginning of the year and my holds have been coming up fast. There are five library […]