Summer has started and Seattle is finally getting into the 70-degree zone and I am excited about it. Hopefully, you are reading this from a place that has been warming up and staying dry as well. I’ve decided to link up with a few other bloggers to share some quick updates about life over here in the top left corner of the country. I like to take this blog out and dust it off every once in a while and write a little something that isn’t for a client.


Gemini season. With lots of special birthdays in our lives this season, it’s a fun time of year. There’s a little more happy mail and excuses for desserts. Justin and I have our birthdays back to back which is ideal when you are two people who don’t love big birthday celebrations. We prefer to treat ourselves together to something fun. This year, we cut out of work at 3:30 on a Tuesday and went to our favorite brewery, and then enjoyed pizza from our favorite neighborhood spot.


donations all over the board. The news has been tragic and although it feels like this more and more often now, it’s not time to give up. This country has so many problems that are fixable if we can just get aligned on a few basic principles, so I’m trying to give money to the people doing the work on the front lines. I also have representatives that I align with on gun control issues, so I’m taking the time to thank them for the work they are doing and encourage them to continue.

I’m also doing our annual spring cleaning and making sure that everything finds a home. I’ve been guilty in the past of dropping things in donation bins without reading the fine print, but this year, I’ve made sure everything has ended up at the correct place to be best utilized. It took an extra hour of research, but it feels so much better to not add to the problem and maybe help someone save a few bucks.


more time off from my screens this summer. Less phone time and better planned out work time. I know that I work most efficiently first thing in the morning, so I’m blocking my calendar five days a week to power through a bunch in the morning before I even pick up my phone to help maximize productivity. Maybe then I won’t feel guilty cutting out more often at 3:00 to take an afternoon walk or get the kayaks out to paddle on a beautiful day.


some new recipes in June. We have the staple meals that we make over and over again, but we want to learn a few new things in the kitchen. I picked up this kitchen manual and this cookbook from the library to dive into this month and see if we can pick up some new ideas and tricks.


the same old stuff. I’m really trying to only replace items now and the only things I’d like for summer are a new sundress and a backup pair of sunglasses. Plus, I love these damn sandals so much that I might get a second pair in a different color.

I’ll be back again this week to share some thoughts about entering my late 30s (ha, such wisdom). Hope you’re getting fresh air and calling your senators.

7 Responses

  1. Ηеllо all, guуsǃ Ι know, mу mеsѕage may bе toо sресіfic,
    Βut my ѕistеr fоund niсe mаn here and theу mаrried, so how abоut me?! 🙂
    Ι аm 26 уearѕ old, Elеna, from Romanіа, Ι know Εnglіsh аnd Gеrmаn languаgeѕ аlѕо
    Аnd… I havе spесifiс dіsеaѕe, named nуmрhomania. Whо knоw what is thіѕ, cаn undеrѕtаnd mе (bеtter to say it іmmеdіatelу)
    Ah уеs, Ι cook very tаѕtуǃ аnd I lovе nоt onlу сооk ;))
    Ιm real girl, not prоѕtіtutе, and loоkіng fоr ѕеrіouѕ and hot rеlatіonshiр…
    Аnywaу, уou cаn fіnd my prоfilе hеre:

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