My Political Podcast Recommendations: Smart Listening for Election Season

showcasing a few of my favorite political podcasts to listen to during election season

Podcasts are one of my favorite ways to get the news and updates on things happening worldwide. With the election coming up, I like getting political news from a few specific political podcasts. I like a little humor alongside the news and like listening to people who have similar opinions to me. I also really like learning through podcasts, like two of the pods on this list.

Seven Political Podcasts to Help You Through Election Season

1. Presidential 

Dive into history to learn more about the men who have held the top spot in our country since day one. Presidential tackles one president at a time and presents 30-45 minutes of information in a fascinating way. Lillian Cunningham reads and studies documents, journals, and letters and talks to experts to find out more about the presidents on a level beyond what we learn in history books. This podcast is a few years old, but it’s still one that I think everyone should listen to for additional context and to learn more from the leaders of the past.

2. Pod Save America 

If you have time, listen to everything from Crooked Media. This is the original podcast of theirs that I jumped into and I’ve stuck with them. I listen to the others when there is a topic or person I’m interested in, but they are doing some pretty amazing things in politics. It’s a few guys that used to work for President Obama. Since the election, they have made it their mission to educate while also saying the things we are all thinking. All of my favorite senators have been guests on the show, and they only release twice a week, so it’s a little easier to keep up.

Special shoutout to Pod Save the World, where Tommy Vietor and Ben Rhodes discuss what’s going on around the world and how it impacts things within the US.

3. Constitutional 

Another dive into history from Lillian Cunningham, Constitutional covers the US Constitution in a similar format to Presidential. I will admit that there were many Supreme Court decisions that I did not totally understand, so it was helpful for me to have more background and information. An important note is that this was done in 2017, but the historical content is relevant, so I still keep it on this list.

4. Hysteria

I have loved Alyssa Mastromonaco ever since reading her book, Who Thought This Was a Good Idea? When she and Erin Ryan partnered with Crooked Media for this pod, I instantly subscribed. Now, a few years later, I’ve rarely missed a week. Each week, they conduct interviews, often with female politicians, but they also chat about the things keeping them sane. One episode might cover a Supreme Court case, stories from Alyssa’s time working for President Obama, and an entire conversation about jam.

5. Plain English with Derek Thompson

If you find yourself wanting to understand buzzwords about the economy or politics, this podcast might be exactly what you’re looking for. Derek Thompson has a new guest for each episode (with returning guests), and they break down a trending topic. From population growth rates to the impacts of AI, this podcast helps listeners gain a better understanding of things happening in the world. I find this extremely helpful when it comes to the stock markets and how different news articles impact them.

6. NPR Politics Podcast

If you want some quicker episodes that you can sneak in on quick dog walks, this is a great option. Their episodes are usually around 15 minutes and can give you some quick updates on what’s happening in the headlines. I stick to the weekly roundtrip episodes unless there’s something specific that grabs my attention.

7. Political Gabfest

Different perspectives on the goings on in the news around politics. I usually tend to gravitate towards the Crooked Media team first, but I have listened to this one on and off for the last few months.

Final Thoughts on Political Podcasts

I will be clear that while I like to understand where all candidates stand on different issues, I do listen to podcasts that have a similar outlook on the world. In a season where things can become extremely volatile and false information can be spread, it’s important to know where your information is coming from and be constantly skeptical. Podcasts are great, in my opinion, because they are real people who interview experts and tend to have research teams.

So that’s my round-up for now. What are you listening to? I feel like there are so many podcasts to choose from, so I love being pointed in a certain direction. I’ll be sharing more non-political podcasts next.

Tell me – which political podcasts do you listen to? I am excited to add some new ones to my list.

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