The Bookshelf Vol. 5

I’m so excited because I am right on track with my reading goals this year. The weird thing is with more reading comes less writing for me. But I’m here to recap the books I’ve read the last few months and help you figure out what to read next.

Books I’ve read lately:

Wildflower by Drew Barrymore – (Amazon/Goodreads)

I hear sometimes that I remind people of Dre Barrymore and I take that as a huge compliment because I love her. I knew that she had a crazy childhood, but this book definitely surprised me with some of the things I read. That said, you don’t really spend much of the book feeling bad for her, just kind of impressed with how normal she turned out. It always surprises me that actors aren’t friends with more of the people they work with. You spend so much time with those people that it would be hard not to hang out afterwards – unless they are assholes. Knowing that she’s such good friends with so many people that she’s worked with makes me like her even more.

Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward – (Amazon/Goodreads)

I went back to see what I rated this book on Goodreads and I said 4 stars. It was a weird read for me. I loved finding out more about the characters and I really liked the writing style. Looking back though, I don’t know that 4 stars is real for me. I didn’t love the way that the people that had passed away were woven in. I guess the jury is still out on this for me, but I’m curious if others loved it.

The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner – (Amazon/Goodreads)

I went back into the oldest books in my to-read list in Goodreads and I found this one. I think the concept is cool – the author travels to the countries that rank the happiest in the world based on different stats. I learned some interesting facts about Iceland, Moldova, Bhutan and other places, but I didn’t find the book that good overall. Maybe I just didn’t give with the writer. I did finish it, so that’s saying something.

The Last Black Unicorn by Tiffany Haddish – (Amazon/Goodreads)

We read this for book club and I picked it thinking it would be funny and easy. There are some funny parts, but holy crap, she has lived through some shit. I had just seen her on SNL earlier this year and thought she was really funny. I had no idea what I was getting into with this book and the weirdest part is – I think I laughed because I was uncomfortable that she could still be happy and funny through the craziness of her childhood and her marriage. I would definitely recommend reading this book and then watch Girl’s Trip because it’s hilarious.

And my favorite of this bunch:

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas – (Amazon/Goodreads)

I could not put this book down. It is so important that we have conversations about what is happening in communities all over and this story follows a community dealing with the aftermath of a black teenager shot by a police officer. Things are so much different than what you see on the news and people need to read this and stories like it to help build a better understanding and have better conversations and help spark real change. I feel like there is no way to really summarize my feelings about this book or this topic, but you should read this.
Now, go check out some other book lovers sharing their recent reads as part of the Show Us Your Books link up. These posts are my go to for figuring out what to read next myself. Hopefully I’ll catch up on some other blogging soon because I have lots of pictures of recent trips and awesome things to pass along to people in the universe, but I really need a rainy night inside to accomplish that. Happy Tuesday!

12 Responses

  1. The Hate U Give is my book club book this week, and I haven't started yet … honestly, b/c it's a little out of my normal realm (and i've been binging handmaids tale … oops) – glad to hear it was so good! I'll read it over the next few days!

  2. i've heard mixed things about Drew Barrymore's book but you've made me want to add it to my list. i quite like her. i do want to read Tiffany Haddish's book, i've seen her on a few talk shows and she's hilarious. glad you liked the hate u give!

  3. I freaking loved The Hate U Give.

    I thought Sing, Unburied, Sing was a tremendous book – well written and important – but it's hard to feel like you love a book like that. Usually when I rate them highly it's more that I am signalling they are important reads and have something to say that more people in society should read.

  4. I'm super curious about Drew Barrymore's book!! Loved The Hate U Give.

  5. I still need to read The Hate U Give and definitely plan to do so before year-end. I love Drew Barrymore. She genuinely seems like a fun, caring person. Tiffany Haddish is hilarious but I didn't realize her past was so difficult and crazy. Now I'm curious. Adding it to my TBR.

  6. THUG was amazing. I'm so glad so many people keep reading it.

    Sing, Unburied, Sing was weird. I get all the accolades and it was a wonderful book but it definitely was a little to weird for me.

  7. I absolutely loved Tiffany Haddish's book. I read The Woman in Cabin Ten during our trip and now reading The Woman in the Window (both at Chendell's recommendation) and both are super juicy! Adding The Hate U Give to my list now.

  8. I did not know Barrymore had a book! Sounds good, adding it to my list. I too find yself needing to re-evaluate some of my rankings when I go to do this monthly review. Especially when I was too in the moment after just finishing the book.

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