The Bookshelf: Vol. 8

assorted books on shelf

With a November at home, I did a little more reading. It helps when the weather cools down and I don’t want to leave my warm blankets in the morning or after work. I didn’t have any books this time around that I didn’t like, so here’s a round up of what I’ve read.

Books I Liked

Inheriting Edith by Zoe Fishman (Amazon/Goodreads)

I received this book for my birthday. I picked it up last week because it finally snuck in between library books and it was good. It was a super easy read and I enjoyed it. It’s about a single mom that inherits a place in Sag Harbor but there’s a catch. 

So Close to Being the Sh*t, Y’all Don’t Even Know by Retta (Amazon/Goodreads)

I have a whole new love for Retta after reading this book. She’s hilarious and had some great stories. I love Parks & Rec, so hearing a few stories about what it was like on the set made me just love that whole cast even more.

The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn (Amazon/Goodreads)

This was our book club book in November. I enjoyed it, but this was one of those books that everyone was talking about and it didn’t live up to the hype in my head. I would still recommend it if you like the mystery/suspense books. I loved that it was set in New York City. It just wasn’t one that I loved.

Well, That Escalated Quickly: Memoirs & Mistakes of an Accidental Activist by Franchesca Ramsey (Amazon/Goodreads)

I don’t remember where I found out about this book, but I’m so glad I grabbed it from the library. It’s a fascinating read about dealing with social media and low-key racists. 

Books I Loved

Educated by Tara Westover (Amazon/Goodreads)

I saw this book all over the place and waited forever at the library. Following her story growing up in the mountains to parents that hated any sort of establishment was intense. The book was hard to read at some points, but I couldn’t point it down until I learned how things ended up. 

Feminasty: The Complicated Woman’s Guide to Surviving the Patriarchy Without Drinking Herself to Death by Erin Gibson (Amazon/Goodreads)

I want to give this to so many people for a Christmas gift this year. Erin Gibson covers a bunch of feminist topics in essays. She’s funny and smart and has the ability to make you so angry while also laughing out loud. I just needed to read this and I think you should too.

I’m so excited because I only need to finish one more book to hit my reading goal this year and I’m almost done with 2. If you aren’t happy with these recommendations, make sure to check out the tons of amazing book nerds that link up on this site.

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